News from The Art Room I Our 2023 Collaborative Community Art Project!

Hello Everyone!

We are happy to announce this year’s Community Art Project in conjunction with our fundraising efforts for North Texas Giving Day, September 21, 2023.

For the past several years, we’ve donated collaborative community artworks to local nonprofits, involving our members and people from the Denton community, and beyond. This year we want to honor and celebrate the joy and support that our animal companions bring to our lives, so we’ll be donating a large-scale collaborative artwork called Welcome Home to the Linda McNatt Animal Care and Adoption Center.

But not only are we announcing our Community Art Project today, we’re also putting out the call for participants and artists! Below is the image we’ll be creating, along with more information about the artwork and your participation.

Welcome Home will be re0alized from 1,500 individual Artist Trading Cards, each a 2 ½ inch x 3 ½ inch miniature artwork, all woven together, collage style, to create the 5 ft. x 9 ft. larger image. Each card will be predominantly one color, and although your color palette will be limited to the color you choose, you’re free to be creative in texture, style, media, and subject matter. You’re also welcome to do more than one card! Since we need 1,500 Artist Trading Cards, your creations will be the most important part of our success in this truly collaborative community project!

If you're interested in participating, we'll be passing out kits starting Friday, 7/14/23, at The Art Room, 721 S. Locust St., Denton, TX. Each kit includes a color swatch and the 2 ½ x 3 ½ inch watercolor paper, and you’re encouraged to pick up as many as you want and are able to complete! The deadline for turning in the Artist Trading Cards is 8/18/23. Cards can be picked up and returned to The Art Room anytime we’re open: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm, and Fridays and Saturdays 11:00 am-3:00 pm. We are also adding 3 additional evening open studio dates exclusively to work on creating these cards: Wednesdays 7/19, 7/26, and 8/2, 5:30 pm-7:00pm.

Virtual instructions will also be offered to those who can’t come by to pick up kits, so if you aren’t able to come in but would like to participate, please email, and we’ll send you those instructions.

Finally, we’re hoping to have a few pop-ups around town to help get the community involved in creating artist cards. The times and dates are below:

  • Aura Coffee, 7/28/23 and 8/11/23 from 1:00 pm-5:00 pm 

  • Dan’s Silverleaf, 8/4/23 from 4:00 pm-7:00 pm 

  • Tentative: One of Denton's public libraries. The time and place to be determined so stay tuned for announcements.

If you can’t commit to creating an Artist Trading Card but do want to offer your support to the Community Art Project, please consider making a donation to The Art Room by clicking here on the Donate button, and mention that you want to sponsor our Community Art Project efforts:

Your financial help will be greatly appreciated since we’ll need to frame the piece before presenting the work to the Linda McNatt Animal Care and Adoption Center.

We’ve already received much-needed community support for this project from Voertman’s art supplies department, which donated all the paper for the Artist Trading Cards! We can’t thank them enough for getting the Welcome Home Community Art Project started! 

We’re looking forward to the beauty and surprise of this Community Art Project, and also to the wonderful experience of giving our artwork to the Linda McNatt Animal Care and Adoption Center during the week of North Texas Giving Day in September.

Feel free to share this email or our flyer (see attached) with anyone who might be interested in participating in this Community Art Project, and please support The Art Room for NTGD in September. 

Photo Credit: Noor Fatafta

Thank you for your generous support of The Art Room and the Linda McNatt Animal Care and Adoption Center!

Why We Need Your Help I North Texas Giving Day 2022

The Art Room, located in Denton, Texas is a non-profit art studio for people with mental health issues. We provide a safe, supportive art studio environment for adults and teens to explore their creativity and self-expression through art, and we do it at no cost for our members.

Our idea is that just doing art is a form of therapy, and that our members will find that the creative process itself has therapeutic value in reducing stress, in promoting self-discovery, and in providing a positive means for emotional expression.

At The Art Room we have artist and mental health volunteers who provide guidance and support to members as they learn and explore their artistic expressions. We have programs providing classes on therapeutic art, various art techniques, as well as open studio, where people can engage in any art experience they want. We also have an evening dedicated to teens called Studio 416.

We’ve collaborated with many local organizations supporting at-risk populations such as Our Daily Bread, Cumberland Youth and Family Services, and Denton County MHMR to promote our mission of encouraging healing and recovery through expressive art experiences for people who face mental health challenges.

We offer The Art Room as a vibrant studio space where the people of Denton can find healing through creativity, and self-discovery in our non-traditional therapeutic approach.

But we can’t do it alone. We ask that you support us for North Texas Giving Day, and when you do, you can know that your donation will translate to a work of art and the betterment of our community’s mental health.

Video was filmed and edited by Colectivo Creative Media.

The Art Room is on the Move!

We are excited to announce that we're moving into a bigger and more exciting space, just a hop and a skip away from our current location. This new art studio located at 721 S. Locust St. in Denton will allow us to grow in the number of Members we serve, the variety of art we can explore, and the programming we can offer. 

We consider this expansion a testament to the need for unique services such as ours, and it's only made possible by the gracious support of community members like you!

The new Art Room location is almost triple in size, but a bit rough around the edges, so we’ve been working hard to clean, paint, and create an exciting place for creativity (see progress video here.) 

We’ve been working tirelessly, but don’t fret-- we won’t be that friend asking you to help us move, although we do need your support in other ways. 

Expansion and moving is costly and our community has already pitched in with donations and discounts on services and recent financial contributions to update the lighting. With our expansion in space, we have rising overhead, and we’re still in need of additional supplies to put the final touches on the space before our big move, so any financial support would be greatly appreciated.

The money you contribute will become the chair that a Member will sit in, the lamp they'll use to shed light on their canvas, and the shelf they'll put their art on for display. Your donation will translate to a work of art and the betterment of our community’s mental health.

We plan to move at the beginning of September, and we’ll start our classes and open studio on 9/6/22. We’ll continue to keep you posted on our progress and upcoming celebrations related to our growth and expansion. Please keep in touch with us through our social media and website, and share us with your social media community. 

 Thank you, Denton, for loving us-- we sure do love you back!

 The Art Room Family

¨Roots and Branches¨ Community Painting Project Unveiling

By: Deken Taylor

Today was our official "Roots and Branches" community painting unveiling at @cpchildrenshome in conjuction with @ntxgivingday 2021!

The one-of-a-kind piece depicts a historic bois d'arc tree on the Cumberland campus. The work highlights the shared commitment both organizations place on creative expression and Therapeutic activities for individuals with mental health challenges.

The tree, a powerful symbol of shelter growth and possibility, epitomizes how both organizations work to transform community.

We want to thank everyone who contributed to the project! It truly means the world to us to create something that can be used to spread positive awareness in our community.

The Time Has Come Yet Again: Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Give To The Art Room On North Texas Giving Day

By: Deken Taylor

It’s that time again! Every year, we come up with humorous, clever, and valid reasons why you should donate to The Art Room for North Texas Giving Day. Let´s highlight this year’s Top Ten shall we?


10. Because there aren’t any other significant holidays in the month of September that rely on your generosity—North Texas Giving Day is it!

9. Creativity lives and thrives here in Denton, and our stock of art supplies needs to meet the ever-growing demands.

8. Because as novelist Nikos Kazantzakis noted, “You have your brush, you have your colors, you paint paradise, then in you go.” Brushes! Colors! Paradise!

7. We’ll soon be launching Studio 416, our pilot program for adolescents. The kids are alright but they’re gonna need some art stuff!

6. Knock knock—Who’s there? Art—Art Garfunkel? No, it’s The Art Room! Feeling groovy, and happy for your donation right about now!

5. The mysterious Haiku Man, our up-and-coming obscure Superhero, offers this gem:
    Growth is nature’s smile
   workshops, therapeutic art

    The Art Room takes wing

4. They say “it takes a village to raise a child,” but they don’t always mention that “it takes a community to fund The Art Room’s mission.” Now is the time, community!

3. Because artist Edward Hopper got it right: “If you could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.”

Roots and Branches, 2021

Community painting donated by The Art Room to Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home

2.  And speaking of our wish list, our old friend Roseanne Roseannadanna knew what she was talking about when she said, “It’s always something! If it’s not one thing, it’s another. It’s either new staff or a fresh tube of Cadmium Red Medium!”

And the number one reason that you should support The Art Room for North Texas Giving Day 2021 is—drumroll, please:

1. Three little words: We Love Denton!

Roots and Branches: 2021 Community Art Project

By: Deken Taylor

For the past couple of years, The Art Room has initiated a community art project, involving our members and anyone else who wants to participate; once it’s completed, we donate the artwork to a local nonprofit. Last year we created 1000 Cranes for Peace, which we donated to Denton MHMR, and the year before we created Denton Community Collage, which we donated to Serve Denton, Wheeler House. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Our 2021 Community Project for North Texas Giving Day is creating this large collaborative painting named Roots and Branches :⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

IMG_5244 (1).JPG

We will be donating Roots and Branches to Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Home. In order to complete the painting, we will need sixty 10” x 10” Claybord canvases from artists within our community, which will be put together to make the complete 5’ x 9’ community painting.

We have already created a grid on a wall in The Art Room of the canvases we have received so far!

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if you can't commit to painting a panel but would like to support the project, consider making a donation of $20.00 to sponsor a panel. You can make your donation here.

We can not wait to see how beautiful it will all look when it is finished!

Soul Art Renewal Recap


By: Deken Taylor

The Art Room had a blast at the Greater Denton Arts Council’s Soul Art Renewal event last Saturday.

The Soul Art Renewal was created in response to the pandemic as a celebration of art and artists within our community.

Among all of the wonderful food, dancing, singing and poetry going on at the Arts Center, the Art Room provided a space for zentangling for all attendees. 


We are no strangers to zentangling! It is great to do as a meditative exercise

Many people found it relaxing, and we enjoyed every second of it!  

5 Self Care Tips To Survive The Holidays

Holiday season is upon us, and it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of holiday cheer. Whether you’re braving the grocery store for the perfect holiday dinner or wrapping a pile of gifts for your loved ones, it’s easy to drown in your seasonal to do list. While the holidays are centered around celebrating those around you, don’t forget to celebrate yourself. Avoid burnout this holiday season, and thrive with our 5 holiday self care tips.

How To Use Zentangles As A Meditative Exercise 

How To Use Zentangles As A Meditative Exercise 

Repetitive motions tend to be relaxing once you can let go of concentrating on getting it “right” and let motor-memory take over. You may find your mind freed up to wander around in your “happy place.” If intrusive thoughts of rules, responsibilities, or looming deadlines interrupt—return your focus to the Zentangle, switch to a new design and repeat it until relaxation or a quiet mind returns.

5 Benefits Of Art Therapy

As quarantine continues, you may find yourself developing a stronger interest in art. This can be through the act of viewing films, experimenting with the latest DIY trend, or pulling out your stash of art supplies that’s collected more dust than you’d like to admit. As we continue to practice social distancing, the celebration of art is increasing, but we can’t deny the fact that mixed emotions are building up as well. If you’re looking for a new way to explore your emotions, try your hand at art therapy exercises. Here are five reasons why art therapy can improve your well-being:



“Aside from bringing images together, collages bring people together, and even communities together. On the evening of Thursday 9/19 The Art Room will prove just this by crafting a collaborative community collage from 5:00 to 8:00, and we would love to see you there!”

Color The Schools

Color The Schools

“Not everything in a high schooler’s life has to be about what comes after graduation; taking some of the pressure off to participate in classes like art can bring down the stress and even open students to different ways of thinking about the world. . .While some schools are backing away from funding for the arts, others are starting to recognize the state of their students’ mental health and trying to better it.”