The Art Room is on the Move!

We are excited to announce that we're moving into a bigger and more exciting space, just a hop and a skip away from our current location. This new art studio located at 721 S. Locust St. in Denton will allow us to grow in the number of Members we serve, the variety of art we can explore, and the programming we can offer. 

We consider this expansion a testament to the need for unique services such as ours, and it's only made possible by the gracious support of community members like you!

The new Art Room location is almost triple in size, but a bit rough around the edges, so we’ve been working hard to clean, paint, and create an exciting place for creativity (see progress video here.) 

We’ve been working tirelessly, but don’t fret-- we won’t be that friend asking you to help us move, although we do need your support in other ways. 

Expansion and moving is costly and our community has already pitched in with donations and discounts on services and recent financial contributions to update the lighting. With our expansion in space, we have rising overhead, and we’re still in need of additional supplies to put the final touches on the space before our big move, so any financial support would be greatly appreciated.

The money you contribute will become the chair that a Member will sit in, the lamp they'll use to shed light on their canvas, and the shelf they'll put their art on for display. Your donation will translate to a work of art and the betterment of our community’s mental health.

We plan to move at the beginning of September, and we’ll start our classes and open studio on 9/6/22. We’ll continue to keep you posted on our progress and upcoming celebrations related to our growth and expansion. Please keep in touch with us through our social media and website, and share us with your social media community. 

 Thank you, Denton, for loving us-- we sure do love you back!

 The Art Room Family