make a financial contribution to the art room!

The Art Room has shown consistent growth in programming, community partnerships, membership, and attendance since we launched in 2019. Through this growth, our community has shown that we are needed.

Our work here in the community is more important than ever. Your recurring donation will help sustain our mission of encouraging healing and recovery through expressive art experiences for people facing mental health challenges.

We offer the following levels of monthly recurring donations with associated gifts (upon a one year commitment). However, any donation, recurring or one time that is meaningful to you is meaningful to us!

Supply Donations

The Art Room is appreciative of all those who would like to donate gently used or new art supplies. Please keep the following guidelines in mind when wanting to make an art supply donation.

  • Please email us ahead of time before making a drop off of donations. Briefly provide a description of supplies being donated so that we ensure that the supplies are a fit for our needs.

  • Please wait for a response to your initial email before dropping off the donation to make sure we are available since we don’t have regular office hours.

  • Please understand that we may decline some donations due to limitations in space and overstock.

Want to contribute directly to our day to day operations?

Volunteering may be right for you!