New for 2024! The Art Room’s Arts for Veterans
“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.”
– Georgia O’Keefe
We are happy to offer the regenerative power of art to Denton County Veterans With Arts for Veterans
Our mission is to offer Veterans the regenerative and therapeutic power of art, through creative self-expression, artistic skill building, and connections.
In conjunction with the Denton County Veterans Service Office, the Veterans Center Office of The United Way, and the Military Veterans Peer Network, The Art Room will be offering a free therapeutic and instructional art program for Veterans called Arts for Veterans, starting January 17, 2024. We will be meeting on the 1st, 3rd, 4th, and any 5th Wednesdays of the month from 5:30-7:30, with both an open studio and structured art class format. Each session will have an artist volunteer, a mental health volunteer, and a Military Veteran Peer volunteer to support Veterans in their creative process.
Interested in Participating?
The first step is to contact one of the referral sources below, where you will complete an application.
Option 1
Denton County Veteran Community Navigators — For a referral through Denton County Veteran Community Navigators, please go to their website, click on their online referral form button, and then complete and submit the form. Someone will contact you about the next steps.
Option 2
Military Veteran Peer Network (MVPN) — For a referral through MVPN, please email them about your interest in the Arts for Veterans Program, and indicate in the subject line, “Referral for the Arts for Veterans Program”. After receiving your email, someone will get back to you in one to two business days.
If you’d like to learn more about MVPN, click here to go to their website, or here for their Facebook page.
Option 3
The Art Room — For a referral through The Art Room, you can email us about your interest in the Arts for Veterans Program. Please indicate in the subject line, “Referral for the Arts for Veterans Program”, give your full name and phone number where you can be reached, and someone will give you a phone call to begin the application process within one to two business days.
Next steps
Once you’ve been accepted into the program, we’ll schedule an orientation to The Art Room so that you can become familiar with the space and the program.
interested in providing support?
If you’re passionate about supporting Veterans and would like to help this program, please consider becoming a monthly donor, where your financial support will ensure the sustainability of our Arts for Veterans program. One-time donations are also a welcome way to support the program.
Please click on the donate button, and indicate if you’d like to make your contribution a one-time or recurring donation.
Photo by Alex Jones on Unsplash