This Saturday, January 23, we will continue the work on our Altered Books! This week we will zero in on using the words on the page to communicate by creating “Blackout Poetry.” Using several methods and several styles of poetry, we will have a little fun with the words on the page.
What do you need to have on hand for this? You will want to gather the following:
Your Altered book
Fine point pen - black
Colored pencils, markers and other drawing media of you choice that you might have on hand
Sharpie or black marker - regular point and/or a bit of black ink and a small brush if you have it
Magazines with plenty of text
Scissors or exacto knife
If you don’t have an altered book started yet- you can use an obsolete text, a used book that no longer serves you, and you might check to see if free old books are available at the library or the used book store, or pick one up at the Art Room.
Please let us know if you will be attending and we will send you the link to the class on Friday. We hope to see you there!